Acupuncture for Children
Acupuncture is a safe and effective natural treatment for a variety of conditions in children. The most commonly treated conditions at Balance include anxiety, immune and respiratory issues (ie. chronic colds, congestion), and puberty related issues (ie. difficult periods, mood changes).
Yes, acupuncture is a safe treatment for children. Pediatric acupuncture techniques use acupressure tools and very tiny needles that make it appropriate for kids.
No, the children who come to Balance for Acupuncture are not having a fearful experience. We always begin with acupressure and building trust. We progress to acupuncture only when the child is feeling comfortable and confident.
No, pediatric acupuncture relies on a very gentle technique and it is not painful for children.
Acupuncture treatment for kids under 12 takes about 30 minutes. This includes acupressure, acupuncture (if we are using needles) and conversation with the parent or care giver. For teens, the treatment time is that same as for adults, about 45 minutes.
Yes, you are always welcome to stay with your child during their treatment. We often teach parents or care givers acupressure techniques that can be used at home to support the treatment in the clinic.