Some insurance policies offer coverage for acupuncture, others do not. If you have insurance coverage, you will pay for your treatment in full at the time of service and then you may submit paperwork to your insurance company for reimbursement. We do not bill your insurance company on your behalf and are not an in-network provider for any insurance companies. To find out about your coverage, call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card and ask if your policy will cover acupuncture by an out of network provider. We cannot guarantee insurance reimbursement. Many people use Healthcare Savings Accounts (HSA) or Flex Fund accounts to cover the cost of their acupuncture treatment. Medicare does not cover acupuncture performed by a licensed acupuncturist.
- Balance Acupuncture & WellnessVillage Green
840 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, NY 14850607-274-7520 - Mon9am - 5pmTue9am - 6:30pmWedRemote Consultations OnlyThu9am - 6:30pmFri9am - 5pm*By appointment only