Laura had just turned 41 when she came to see me for help with fertility. She had been trying to get pregnant for the past year and had been unsuccessful. She and her partner had decided that they would not do medical fertility treatments, like IUI or IVF and wanted to do everything possible to have a baby naturally. Even though she was 41, Laura strongly believed that she could conceive and carry a baby and she wanted to see if acupuncture and herbs could help her. I met with her and completed a Natural Fertility Assessment, in which I identified that Laura was likely still fertile, but she fit in the category of blocked fertility. Before seeing me, Laura had been trying all sorts of supplements and lifestyle changes to help her get pregnant, but she wasn’t sure what was working. We did a complete review of her fertility strategies. I discovered that several of the supplements that she was taking were unnecessary, her recent dietary changes were working against her fertility and that her cycle tracking system was likely inaccurate. I showed her the categories of food that would enhance fertility to her and recommended that she cut out the extra supplements. Finally, we set up a system for her to accurately track her ovulation window and scheduled her acupuncture treatments at key points of her cycle. I created customized herbal formulas for her that also followed the four stages of the cycle. I encouraged her to put her energy into stress reduction and calming her nervous system with simple techniques that she could do at home. She followed our treatment plan carefully and after 6 months, she conceived. Laura and her partner had a healthy baby naturally at age 42.
- Balance Acupuncture & WellnessVillage Green
840 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, NY 14850607-274-7520 - Mon9am - 5pmTue9am - 6:30pmWedRemote Consultations OnlyThu9am - 6:30pmFri9am - 5pm*By appointment only